Priogen works together with non-governmental organisations on innovation projects. This is clearly not one of our core-products as we do this only a few times per year. Our view is not to make a profit on it. Our burdens are shared at break-even. Priogen has the trading knowledge which we bring into these projects. We check the analyses with real-time data.

Our references on this field are with TNO, Interflex and the fact that we have closed the first-ever European power transaction over the blockchain together with Yuso and Enerchain.

Research projects for NGO's

Priogen works together with non-governmental organisations on innovation projects. This is clearly not one of our core-products as we do…
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Sun was up

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et…
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