Why Priogen?

We help accelerate your energy transition

You don’t need to be Einstein to understand that renewable energy is the future. Meanwhile conflicts of interests are slowing us down. We believe that making renewable energy profitable is paramount to accelerate the energy transition.

We aim for the moon, yet we sustain solid growth. From the start we built our expert team and culture with care. Our people carry priogenes: We’re dedicated to our purpose, optimistic, live to learn and bring out the best in one another.

Aim for the moon

True. Our vision is bold. But there’s a method to our madness and it’s becoming widely appreciated. We started in France. Who knows where it ends?

Trackrecord timeline

  • 2010


    1 employee

  • 2011


    2 employees

  • 2012


    More people came on board, more markets were opened

  • 2017

    Adding wind & solar

    Connecting 8% of Dutch windpower

  • 2018

    More than 60 employees

    Growth continues with more than 50%

Data driven hub

Engineering a flywheel

Our main goal is to build and optimize a platform, a data driven hub that allows like minded organizations to connect with and join our mission. Together we maximize impact and spur progress. Curious which data we collect and why? Prepare to be dazzled.