Privacy Policy

Privacy statement


We understand the importance of correct processing of your personal data. We are committed to be compliant with the current regulations and this privacy and cookie policy (” hereinafter referred to as “Privacy Policy”) is prepared with reference to applicable data protection legislation, namely the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”).

When you interact with us and/or visit and use this website, Priogen Energy B.V. business registration no. 34358534, Radarweg 60, 1043 NT Amsterdam, hereinafter referred to as “Priogen”), processes certain personal data about you. Priogen is data controller for such processing.

Priogen processes the personal data about you as a contact person employed at a customer, vendor or cooperation partner that Priogen has entered into or prospectively will enter into a contract with, or as a contact person employed at other external parties that we interact with e.g., if you contact our traders by e-mail or phone, and/or as a visitor and user of our website. The Privacy Policy also describes your rights in relation to Priogen’s collection, processing and retention of your personal data.


Priogen collects personal data about you when you interact with us, for instance, via e-mail correspondence or phone in relation to our existing contractual relationship or the establishment or termination of such. In this respect, Priogen processes the ordinary personal data you have provided to Priogen, i.e., your name, e-mail address, telephone number, address, your position in the company you are employed at, your position, place at work, etc.

Lastly, Priogen collects personal data from you through cookies when you visit our website as described below. In this regard, Priogen collects information about your online behaviour, such as your IP-address, information about the chosen operating system on your computer, your mobile device, chosen internet browser and your online activities on the website, provided you have accepted the website’s use of cookies.

Priogen does not process special categories of personal data (sensitive personal data) about you.


Priogen limits its collection, storing and processing of personal data to situations where the processing is necessary for a specific purpose.

The processing of your personal data is necessary in order to perform a contract to which you are a party (to the extent that you are party to a contract with Priogen), cf. Article 6 (1) (b) of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), and for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by Priogen which are regarded not to be overridden by your interests or fundamental rights, cf. Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR. Such legitimate interests are, for instance:

  • fulfilment of contractual obligations with the company you are representing;
  • maintaining and enhancing customer and business relationships;
  • invoicing for the services your company provides to Priogen or vice versa;
  • communicating with you on the basis of your inquiry or if Priogen has any questions to the specific services;
  • recording of the telephone conversation you have had with our traders;
  • documentation of events, correspondence, etc. in case of a specific dispute between Priogen and the company you are employed at; and
  • providing you with a better website experience and website statistics.

Moreover, the processing is necessary for compliance with legal obligations to which Priogen is subject, cf. GDPR Article 6(1)(c). This legal basis specifically applies e.g., when Priogen records your telephone conversations with our traders as Priogen must comply with the rules, best practice and industry standards pursuant to the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT). In regard of legal obligations, Priogen is also processing and retaining bookkeeping material pursuant to applicable bookkeeping rules.


Where relevant, Priogen may disclose or transfer your personal data to affiliates of Priogen, vendors, business partners or other collaborators for business purposes.

In certain specific cases, e.g., in connection with disputes, including when the disclosure of your personal data is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of Priogen’s legal claims, Priogen may disclose your personal data to its advisers or other relevant third parties provided it is deemed necessary and lawful.

Further, certain recipients process personal data on behalf of Priogen and may only process your personal data in accordance with the instructions given by Priogen. These third parties are not permitted to process your personal data for their own purposes. To the extent Priogen discloses or transfers your personal data to these third parties who may use your personal data for their own purposes, such disclosure or transfer will only take place if it is in accordance with applicable law and with prior consent obtained from you, where such consent is required.


In certain cases, your personal data may be transferred to a country outside of EU/EEA, for instance, to an affiliate of Priogen or a vendor. Priogen ensures that such transfer will be carried out in accordance with the applicable data protection laws. This entails that any party outside of EU/EEA that comes in possession of your personal data must ensure an adequate level of protection, for example, by entering into the EU standard contractual clauses and adopting supplementary measures where applicable, if required. You can obtain a copy of the relevant information on third country transfers by contacting


Priogen will only store your personal data as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for the processing of your data.

Further Priogen will store your personal data about you as a contact person of our customer, vendors, etc. until termination of the contractual relationship between Priogen and the company that you are employed at, as long as we communicate, or until a legal claim can no longer be established. If there is an actual or potential legal dispute with the company you are employed at, your personal data will be retained as long as necessary for these purposes. Hereafter, such personal data will be deleted.

Recordings of telephone conversations you have had with our traders relating to the trading activities are generally stored for 6 months from the date the recording has been carried out. In certain specific cases if deemed necessary and lawful, for instance for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, this storage period may be extended for documentation purposes.

Priogen will store your personal data that is necessary for bookkeeping purposes such as invoices for 7 years from the year of which the accounting material relate in accordance with the special rules on retention of bookkeeping material in accordance with the Dutch Data Protection Authority. If the personal data is included in accounting material which is subject to other (foreign) legislation, the personal data will be processed as long as required under said legislation.


7.1 What are cookies

A cookie is a text file that is sent to your browser from our website and saved on your computer, phone or whichever device you use to access the internet. Cookies may be used for a number of purposes, but in essence they are used to save information about your activity on the internet.

7.2 The purpose of cookies

We collect information via cookies in order to improve the website experience for you and for the purpose of conducting website analysis and website performance review.

When you visit our website for the first time, you will be asked to accept the use of cookies. Cookies require your explicit consent. We encourage you to accept the cookies our website uses, because it will help us improve your visit and others’. If you decline the use of cookies, there may be a variety of functionalities on the website which you cannot utilize.

7.3 Cookies on the website

When you use our website, we do not register any information that can identify you directly. However, we register how you navigate around the site, so we can learn more about how our site is used. We only use this information to improve the website’s content and functionalities.

7.4 How long are cookies stored?

Cookies delete themselves after a certain period of time (which can vary). How long website cookies are stored from registration depends on the type of cookie.

7.5 Removal of cookies

Generally, web browsers are set up to accept cookies. Although you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent.

If you wish to reject the use of cookies or remove cookies that are already stored on your computer, you may visit the support sites of your specific browser for further guidance:

  • Guidance – Firefox
  • Guidance – Google Chrome
  • Guidance – Safari
  • Guidance – Explorer


Priogen has implemented appropriate organisational and technical measures in order to protect your personal data and ensure your rights as a data subject. As a data subject you have a number of rights. Please note that certain limitations may apply in this relation, e.g., when your right to obtain information is found to be overwritten by essential considerations of private interests.

You have the following rights:

  • right of access to the personal data that Priogen has stored concerning you;
  • right to rectify inaccurate personal data concerning you, including completion of incomplete personal data;
  • under certain circumstances, you have the right to erasure; meaning that upon your request, Priogen must erase the personal data stored concerning you if Priogen does not have grounds for further processing;
  • right to restrict Priogen’s processing of personal data concerning you;
  • right to data portability, for instance, to receive the personal data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, if specific requirements are met;
  • the right to object at any time to Priogen’s processing of personal data concerning you.

In case you have given your consent, you have the right to withdraw your former consent at any time. In such case your withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on your consent before your withdrawal.

The Dutch Data Protection Authority has issued a guideline on the data subjects’ rights. If you want to read more about your rights, please click here.

If you wish to exercise any of the rights, you are welcome to contact by using the below-mentioned contact details.


If you have any question about the processing of your personal data or you wish to file a complaint in this regard, you can contact Priogen at

If your complaint is not resolved by Priogen to your satisfaction, you may choose to contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority. The Dutch Data Protection Authority is an independent public authority responsible for monitoring and enforcing the application of the GDPR and the supplementary provisions in the Netherlands. The Dutch Data Protection Authority’s contact information is:

Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens)

Bezuidenhoutseweg 30

2594 AV Den Haag

PO Box 93374 Telephone number: +31 (0)70 888 85 00



This Privacy Policy will be updated on a regular basis and when necessary due to changes in applicable law and practice and, thus, we recommend that you keep yourself updated on this Privacy Policy regularly.