Tech driven trader

At Priogen you will be joining ‘next gen’ traders, taking hybrid trading to the next level. This means our traders are evolving into a trader, analyst and technology specialist in one. The power that our technology brings to the table is proven in being number one on Day-ahead.

Hi-tech, high performance

We have the drive to work on projects using our own approach. Buying software is something anyone can do, coming up with your own solution requires creativity and a deep understanding of what you are trying to solve. We approach things agile and love the game of trial and error. At Priogen we win or learn, continuously improving our game.

Tech stack

We are proud of our ever improving tech stack. We use the newest technologies we can get our hands on, and that usually means that these are not sold in a box or on a website. Staying at the forefront of technology results in cutting edge, in house developed solutions that do exactly what Priogen needs.  

Contributing to the tech community

As we build everything ourselves, we prefer working with open source technologies. But another main reason for this is because we want to contribute to the tech community. We believe that the future is open sourced and want to take a lead in this within the energy domain. Join us and become part of the evolution of trading. Accelerating the energy transition – and your career.